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🇺🇸Fun Friday: Getting July 4th Ready!🇺🇸

This week, the People Operations Department sent out fun items to our locations to prepare for Independence Day or July 4th!

Did You Know?

Americans consume about 150 million hot dogs on July 4th each year. That's enough to stretch from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles more than five times! Hot dogs from sea to shining sea!

Do you want to impress your friends and family with your American history knowledge? Take the July 4th quiz below and share something you may learn!

Sharing is caring!

Feel free to share photos of your office July 4th decorations, at home decorations, Americana tablescapes, the Boston butts you are smoking, your firework setup or whatever you and your crew are doing to celebrate the birth of our great nation! We love to see it!

We are interested in your thoughts!

Do you have an idea to make the company better?  

Is there a question on your mind that you would like answered?


It takes all of us to help this company reach its fullest potential- we truly appreciate you getting involved!

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Your submissions go anonymously straight to only Derek and Fran- We’re listening!  If you would like us to contact you back directly please include your first and last name so we know where the submission came from and we will be sure to get back with you!

Thanks for submitting!

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