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The Southern Scene

Private·249 Team Members


Welcome to The Southern Scene! You can connect with other team members, get updates and share videos. Think of this as our social media page. The conversation should remain light and refrain from the big three topics - money, politics and religion. We look forward to chatting, seeing your family and hearing about what makes!

Group Rules

Respect one another

Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Please be kind and courteous at all times.

No harassment of any kind

Bullying, targeting, or attacking a member of this group is not allowed and will not be tolerated.

No spam

Spamming other members is not allowed in this group.


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • February 17, 2022


  • Katie - Site Admin

We are interested in your thoughts!

Do you have an idea to make the company better?  

Is there a question on your mind that you would like answered?


It takes all of us to help this company reach its fullest potential- we truly appreciate you getting involved!

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Your submissions go anonymously straight to only Derek and Fran- We’re listening!  If you would like us to contact you back directly please include your first and last name so we know where the submission came from and we will be sure to get back with you!

Thanks for submitting!

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